Important Notice: Beware of Fake Websites Imitating DGDV
We have recently confirmed the fake website impersonating DG Daiwa Ventures (DGDV).
Our official website is The fake website uses a similar URL but has no affiliation with DGDV.
If you contact the fake site, your information may be unknowingly collected and used maliciously. Additionally, if you receive an email from a domain associated with a fake website or an unrecognized sender, it may contain viruses or enable unauthorized access. Therefore, DGDV kindly asks that you refrain from opening any attachments, clicking on any URLs in the email body, or replying to the email.
DGDV has filed a takedown request for the fake site DGDV found, but there may be other similar fake sites out there, so please be careful and check the domain name.
DGDV will continue to take thorough information security measures to prevent unauthorized access, so DGDV asks for your understanding and cooperation.
Our Numbers
Lead Investment(Domestic)
- 2024.08.21New
- Investment in Cambrium GmbH
- 2024.07.11
- Additional Investment in Yuimedi, Inc.
- 2024.07.03
- DGDV has invested in Dioseve Inc.